We are happy to announce that Luffy Swap is finally live on our domain. Check it out and test it on. Swaps. Luffytoken.

31 Jan 2023, 14:53
We are happy to announce that Luffy Swap is finally live on our domain. Check it out and test it on Swaps.Luffytoken.com There is a tax for External Swap 0.25%(team wallet) + 0.5%(burn Luffy token) + 0.3%(LP Fee as default) You can use 3 different options to buy on Luffy Swap: 1. External Swap: it works as a aggregator. You can buy on Polygon, BNB and on Ethereum Chain your tokens for the best price withthe best option. 2. Internal Swap: To trade on Internal Swap you need to add Liquidity on Luffyswap. Everyone can do that. You can tell your favorite projects to list on Luffyswap. We are also sponsoring them if they add LUFFY/Token Liquidity. More will be explained in our FAQ. 3. Limit Orders: Use Limit Orders to buy your favorite tokens at a certain price on multiple chains.